Why are there no photos of my truck this week?
There are many different stages and steps to building your truck. Sometimes, between each of these steps and stages, your truck waits for a spot in production to open up. If your truck is staged and waiting for the next step in the build, we generally do not take pictures unless specifically requested because nothing has been changed or updated.
Why is there a "fish-eye" effect in my pictures?
A lot of times, the trucks are close together in production. In order to get a good picture, we have to use a wide angle lens. This can distort the picture sometimes. When possible, we try to use a regular lens to limit the "fish-eye effect."
Why are there ladders in my pictures?
The OEM places ladders next to the sides of trucks when working on top of the truck as part of their safety procedures. We don't move or touch them.
Why are there more pictures some weeks than others?
We try our best to capture all change and progress made on the trucks each week. Sometimes, due to people working on the truck, we aren't able to get the best shot or have to skip it all together and try again next week. We are very careful not to impede or slow down the progress of people working on the truck as the production schedule is already time sensitive.
I have a specific item or photo shot I would like to see. Do you take requests?
We do take limited requests for pictures. Our photo reports are designed to really be more about the overall status of your build. For more detailed pictures, we offer an inspection package. Build inspections happen throughout the entire build process and make sure it is being built to spec, and we also take more detailed pictures to show compliance with your spec.
Do you take pictures on top of ladders?
For Photo Reports, we do not go on top of trucks for safety and liability reasons. For our Inspection Package, we will go up top to complete the inspection properly.
There are many different stages and steps to building your truck. Sometimes, between each of these steps and stages, your truck waits for a spot in production to open up. If your truck is staged and waiting for the next step in the build, we generally do not take pictures unless specifically requested because nothing has been changed or updated.
Why is there a "fish-eye" effect in my pictures?
A lot of times, the trucks are close together in production. In order to get a good picture, we have to use a wide angle lens. This can distort the picture sometimes. When possible, we try to use a regular lens to limit the "fish-eye effect."
Why are there ladders in my pictures?
The OEM places ladders next to the sides of trucks when working on top of the truck as part of their safety procedures. We don't move or touch them.
Why are there more pictures some weeks than others?
We try our best to capture all change and progress made on the trucks each week. Sometimes, due to people working on the truck, we aren't able to get the best shot or have to skip it all together and try again next week. We are very careful not to impede or slow down the progress of people working on the truck as the production schedule is already time sensitive.
I have a specific item or photo shot I would like to see. Do you take requests?
We do take limited requests for pictures. Our photo reports are designed to really be more about the overall status of your build. For more detailed pictures, we offer an inspection package. Build inspections happen throughout the entire build process and make sure it is being built to spec, and we also take more detailed pictures to show compliance with your spec.
Do you take pictures on top of ladders?
For Photo Reports, we do not go on top of trucks for safety and liability reasons. For our Inspection Package, we will go up top to complete the inspection properly.